Bill Braun, Chief Information Officer for Chevron, calls Excel “the new slide rule.” Meaning it’s about as useful in today’s digital environment as a slide rule is for an engineer. Excel was developed in the early 80s, around the same time as some of the so-called “market-leading” calibration software came out.

Excel is not as cost-effective as you might think.
Are you still using Excel to manage calibration data? If you’re doing so because of the cost of calibration software, you need to know you can move up to the world’s fastest-growing dedicated gage management platform for next to nothing.

What Excel can’t do:
In a world dominated by outmoded, expensive software, it’s no wonder small companies find themselves at the mercy of Excel’s limitations. To be fair, Excel does some things very well. But it doesn’t do gages well at all. First, in order to even begin to use Excel to manage gages, you have to spend hours building complex spreadsheets that account for all the variations and permutations your gage list requires. With GageList, most of those are already programmed in. And Excel can’t send you an email when a gage is coming due for calibration. Notifications are non-existent, and collaboration in Excel is virtually impossible. Plus, it has almost no ability to manage documents such as calibration certificates, procedures, tool specs, or other support materials.

The so-called market-leading calibration platforms don’t care about you.
If you run a smaller lab or fabrication shop you may still be using Excel to manage your calibration data because you haven’t found a dedicated calibration software platform you can afford. The metrology industry has been dominated for years by super-expensive desktop software programs aimed at giant manufacturing companies, that have essentially told the small shop, “Go pound sand. We don’t care about your teensy-weensy little company.”

GageList is for everybody.
We designed GageList to support smaller shops in exactly the way it supports global corporations: By offering extremely flexible plans with the specific features and bandwidth options they need for their situation.

A global manufacturer with multiple locations and thousands of gages to manage can deploy GageList across their whole operation for a fraction of the cost of comparable products. With unlimited users at no extra cost, a companion mobile app for Android and iOS, access from anywhere at any time via the cloud, and a user experience that’s so simple no training is required, it completely changes the game.

Likewise, all of GageList’s revolutionary benefits are also available on our plans that aim at smaller companies. We charge by the number of gages you have to manage, not by seat license. So a smaller shop or lab with 150 tools pays a whopping $20 a month. Total. Period. No hidden charges and no BS. As you grow, we grow with you, while other gage software platforms hold you back by charging outrageous fees to add users.

No more expensive seat licenses to throttle your growth.
The legacy platforms charge hundreds, and sometimes thousands of dollars for a single-seat license installed on a single computer at one location. Then they charge to train you because their software is too complex to learn on your own. And if you need to add users or locations, you pay for additional licenses.

Cost is no longer a barrier to moving up to GageList.
If cost is keeping you from ditching your spreadsheets and upgrading your gage management program, your worries are over. You can now have the best calibration management tool on the planet for next to nothing.

Oh, and it’s easy to migrate your data from Excel to GageList, and if you like, we can even do it for you.

There is no reason a small shop or lab needs to suffer with Excel anymore. And there is no reason any global manufacturer needs to put up with expensive seat licenses that stifle productivity. GageList is built to cover the entire gage calibration landscape.