How Can We Help?

Gage records help organizations monitor and track the performance of their equipment and processes, identify potential problems or defects, and make informed decisions about maintenance, repair, or replacement. The following are steps to add new gage records to your GageList account.
(NOTE: Users with the role “Reader” cannot add gage records.)


Navigating to the gage form

  1. From the left sidebar, click the Gages or Planning icon.
  2. Select any of the view options that appear in the menu.
  3. Click Add to create a new gage record.

Filling the gage form

  1. Set the Status for your gage by entering a value or clicking the SELECT button and selecting a value.
      Note: A text entry is available at the top of the selection dialog to quickly search for values. If the values you are looking for are not available, administrators can add them by clicking the ADD button found at the top of the selection dialog. Selection values can also be managed in General Settings.
  2. The Last Calibration and Next Calibration Due field values can be entered or set manually using the date picker on the gage record.
  3. Enter values in the Control No, Serial No and Asset No fields where applicable.
      These fields can be left empty but, if entered, must have unique values from other existing gage records.
  4. If the feature is enabled, an image can be uploaded and displayed on the gage record. Click the ADD IMAGE button or drag a PNG or JPEG image file onto the image area to upload an image.
  5. Complete the form by filling in the remaining fields similarly.
      Note: Setting the calibration interval to Scheduled, Scheduled – Beginning of Month or Scheduled – End of Month and then calibrating the gage allows the next calibration date to be auto-calculated.
  6. Attachments can be included by clicking Choose File and selecting a file.
      To attach another file, click Add File and repeat the step.
  7. Click Save.