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GageList offers the ability to print calibration labels from existing records. Options are available for label customization and template management.

Note: This feature is only available for certain accounts. View GageList plans

    1. Log in to GageList.
    2. Navigate to the calibration record you would like to create a label for.

If you don’t have an existing calibration record, see Creating a Calibration Record.

    1. Click Print Label.
    2. Set the desired configuration. Fields and descriptions are listed below.
      • Template: Pre-configured fields which can be stored, selected, or modified. Default templates are included.
      • Unit: The preferred unit of measurement to use with size and position fields. (inches/millimeters/pixels)
      • Style: The preferred label type. This includes changes to aspect ratio and/or label contents.
      • Use as ID: The preferred ID to use. This can be the GageList ID, Serial Number, or Control Number.
      • Barcode: The option to include a barcode on the label. When scanned, the barcode will read the ID that appears on the label.
      • Width/Height: The label size. These values may also affect the size of the label contents.
      • Offset X/Offset Y: The position of label contents. Contents appear at the top left of the label and can be shifted. Offset X shifts the contents horizontally (left/right) and Offset Y shifts the contents vertically (up/down). The Scale value is usually lowered before changing any offset.
      • Scale: The size of the contents relative to the label size. This value is a percentage.
    3. Once the label appears in the preview as you would like, you can save the configuration by clicking Save Template or continue to Create Label.

Templates can be modified, renamed, or deleted by selecting an existing template and making the changes needed.

  1. The generated label will appear in a new page with the option to save it as a pdf or print it directly from your web browser.