Simple Online Calibration Software

Because simple is smart.

Calibrating measuring instruments and managing calibration data for quality and compliance is hard enough. You shouldn’t have to learn some complicated software on top of all that.

Simplicity is our most important feature.

You might not think of simplicity as a feature in the strictest sense, especially if you consider all the “features” that make many of the so-called industry-leading systems so complex. But with GageList, you can set up an account and start managing gages in less than five minutes. Thousands of GageList users think that’s a pretty valuable feature.

No Training Required

Any software that requires extensive training doesn’t belong in the 21st century. GageList is so intuitive, all you have to do is sign up and start managing gages. People who understand calibration can usually figure GageList out simply by using it or master it by watching a few tutorial videos. In fact, in our entire history of onboarding thousands of users, not one person has ever required formal training.

Simple UX/UI Design

From simple workflows and uncluttered screens to a smooth, buttery user interface, the whole user experience is designed to make gage management easy. Screens are not cluttered with hundreds of complicated functions. Data entry steps are simple and intuitive. Finding gauge records is easy (in fact, with our mobile app, all you have to do is scan a gauge label and it pulls the record up instantly). Creating calibration certificates, printing labels and producing audit reports are all simple and efficient.

Simple Onboarding

One of the biggest hurdles to upgrading your gage management program can be the time and expense of migrating your data from your legacy system. GageList makes the whole process easy and cost-effective with simple import and export tools supported by our exclusive Data Migration Concierge service. Customers with smaller gage lists can easily import gage records with little or no help. Organizations with large, complex data sets have the option of enlisting our help to either provide guidance or to handle the whole process from start to finish. Either way, getting up and running with GageList is quick and easy.

User access and account maintenance are simple, too. Just sign up for a free or paid account (you can upgrade from free any time you want), log in and go. Authorize as many users as you like and assign permissions as you see fit. Payments are easy, too. You can choose standard commercial invoicing or use our convenient online e-commerce system and pay as you go.

Simple Updates

Since GageList is cloud-based, updates are performed in incremental steps behind the scenes and require no training, no intervention on your part, and no help from your IT department. When releases warrant, video tutorials and how-to pages are added to the GageList Knowledge Base.