Integrating GageList with Your Systems

GageList REST API, Zapier and Single Sign-On Features

GageList easily integrates with your existing Asset Management, Accounting, Spreadsheet, and other applications through our public REST API and Zapier.
We also offer Single Sign-On.

REST API: An API, or Application Programming Interface, is a software connection that enables two applications to talk to each other. The GageList API allows you to integrate your gage management software with related software applications such as your ERP, your asset management platform, or your Manufacturing Execution System (MES).

The GageList API is ideal for organizations that need to share calibration data with a number of other applications. It’s also particularly useful for calibration service providers that manage calibration data generated by servicing customer assets.

The GageList API can be easily implemented by your internal or external programmers, or GageList can help you with the integration.

ZAPIER: Zapier is a tool that helps you automate repetitive tasks between GageList and other applications. No coding is necessary and you can automate your workflows in minutes. 

Zapier has free and paid accounts that offer scalable options to meet your needs as you grow. Visit for more information.

Single Sign-On (SSO): Single Sign-On is a means of authentication that lets users access multiple software platforms with a single login. With SSO, once users log in to your company, they get automatic access to all your apps. You can set GageList up to trust a third-party identity provider to authenticate users so they don’t have to log in separately to manage gages.