You may now import data from your legacy calibration software or spreadsheet using the new Import Data from Excel feature. This feature is available under the Reports & Data > View List menu in GageList.

Here are some hints for using the import feature in GageList:

1. Download the provided import template from the Reports & Data > View List page in GageList. Since the Export and Import format are the same you can use this feature to export your existing Test Equipment as a model.

2. Selection field values are added automatically. That is, if you import a value that is not already in GageList the it will be added automatically. Use the Manufacturers and Application Settings to copy the exact text strings for the selections or to make modifications after you have imported your data.

3. It is highly recommended to import in small batches, at least until you are sure the data is exactly how you want it.

4. Don’t hesitate to ask. We would be glad to help you get started with your import. Visit the Support page to contact us.