Managing calibration in multiple facilities is challenging on a number of levels, and until now, there have been few (if any) economical approaches that really address the problem. But now a simple, convenient master control panel solves the challenge of gage management for multi-site organizations and supports an organization-wide culture of quality.

We often see large, multi-site organizations using entirely different gage management systems in each location. Such disparities can result from acquisitions; other times software disparities evolve when software purchases are made on the location level without corporate guidance. Either way, when disparate systems evolve, silos emerge.

Some calibration software platforms exploit multi-site organizations by selling expensive licenses to manage multiple locations, but these systems do little to eliminate silos or enable collaboration and process portability across your organization.

The problem calls for a two-part solution: A) Your software needs to allow unlimited users at no extra cost, accessing gage data anytime, from anywhere, on any device, and B) It needs a multi-site control panel to unify all location accounts under a master account that manages permissions and centralizes monitoring.

GageList Multisite Calibration Software Logo

Enter GageList One™, the first-of-its-kind multi-site calibration management control panel for managing calibrated and verified gages, test and measurement equipment in multiple locations under a single master account. Now distributed organizations can economically centralize gage management across multiple locations with the simplest, most advanced calibration software on the planet.

Why does a central calibration control panel matter? The problems different systems can cause include:

  • Separate sets of calibration management procedures
  • Difficulties enforcing data standardization and data quality
  • Difficulty accessing disparate sets of calibration data
  • Challenge of manually unifying data across systems to produce business-wide reports
  • The cost of training employees on multiple, complex systems
  • Spiraling software licensing and maintenance costs
  • Problems allocating gage management costs
  • Protected silos and fiefdoms throughout the organization
  • Difficulty in collaboration, cross-training and process portability

If you have measurement and test instruments in multiple facilities in different parts of the country or even the world, GageList One lets you centralize executive management of all your locations under a single account, without limiting local management of operations-level functions.


GageList Multisite Calibration Software Screenshot

GageList One gives multi-location organizations the power to manage all their gages, in all their locations, from a single control panel.


You can even connect GageList to your ERP or to your calibration vendors’ software systems via GageList Connect™, our public API designed to create seamless integration for accounting, reporting and operations management.

Visualize this:

  • Your corporate quality team authors a single calibration management procedure for your whole organization instead of a complex set of policies with multiple location-based exceptions and customizations.
  • You assign different calibration and management duties to unlimited users throughout your organization, using a centralized permissions feature – at no extra cost for seat licenses.
  • Your authorized employees, managers, internal auditors, customers and even external service providers all collaborate securely, in real-time, from anywhere, using any device, including their own mobile devices.
  • Your calibration costs are cut dramatically while your calibration team’s productivity goes through the roof.
  • You get simple, customized billing, either centralized or split and distributed to individual locations according to your specific accounting needs.
  • The efforts you’ve made at building that elusive “culture of quality†finally start to pay off with tangible, repeatable processes.

Sound good? GageList One is perfect for managers who are responsible for several sites and want to unify gage management across the whole organization.

Join the GageList Revolution

GageList has revolutionized calibration management forever with ideas, innovations and cost structures that blow the rest of the gage management industry away. GageList One is just the latest in a series of advances in gage management that cannot be offered by anyone else:

  • Lowest cost structure of any comparable product
  • Unlimited users at no extra charge
  • Full-featured free mobile app for iOS and Android
  • Cloud access from anywhere, anytime, on any device
  • Secure data storage including daily backups
  • Public API for easy integrations with other platforms
  • 5-star customer service and support
  • So simple no training is required
  • Simple data migration tools and Migration Concierge Service

To learn more, contact our Customer Success Team for a demo today.