Insights and Ideas

Trends in Industry, Culture and Economics

What is Calibration?

What is Calibration?

Calibration is the process of evaluating and adjusting a measuring instrument or system to ensure that it performs accurately and meets the desired specifications. This involves comparing the readings of the instrument to a known standard and making any necessary...

How Calibration Impacts Your Culture of Quality

How Calibration Impacts Your Culture of Quality

Quality has never mattered more than it does today. Brilliant manufacturing technologies are raising the bar on what can be accomplished, and customers have access to information about product quality they’ve never had before. Advances in measurement technology are...

Excel is the New Slide Rule

Excel is the New Slide Rule

Bill Braun, Chief Information Officer for Chevron, calls Excel “the new slide rule.” Meaning it’s about as useful in today’s digital environment as a slide rule is for an engineer. Excel was developed in the early 80s, around the same time as some of the so-called...