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GageList Up-time Monitoring

GageList Up-time Monitoring

Cloud-based SaaS software applications such as GageList are gaining popularity at an amazing pace. One recent study shows that 90% of all organizations today use cloud apps or are planning to within the next 12 months. Knowing that these applications are running and...

You Can Learn GageList Your Way

Integrating new technologies into an existing business or industrial practice is a double edged sword. On the one hand, it’s a necessary task, helping an organization to advance with newer, better techniques and technology. On the other hand, the very nature of...

GageList YouTube Channel

GageList is now on YouTube. This new channel was created to help users get the most out of GageList. To start, six tutorial videos have been published. GageList Overview Adding Measurement and Test Equipment to GageList Creating Calibration Records with GageList Using...

Quick & Easy Local Backup

GageList's data export features make backing up equipment and calibration data a snap.  Data export is accessible from within GageList. The feature exports both equipment and calibration records to convenient spreadsheet format on your local computer. Here are some...

Self-Service Data Import Now Available

Self-Service Data Import Now Available

You may now import data from your legacy calibration software or spreadsheet using the new Import Data from Excel feature. This feature is available under the Reports & Data > View List menu in GageList. Here are some hints for using the import feature in...