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Exporting Data for Third-Party Business Intelligence (BI) Analytics Tools


GageList provides a feature that allows you to export your account data, enabling you to utilize this data with third-party business intelligence (BI) analytics tools, such as PowerBI. This functionality is essential for creating in-depth reports and analytics beyond what is available within GageList itself. It also facilitates the integration of GageList data with information from other sources to provide a comprehensive analysis.

Key Points:

  • Data Storage and Format: Upon export, your data is organized into tables, with each table being saved as a separate .csv (Comma Separated Values) file. This format is widely supported by analytics and spreadsheet tools, making it easy to import and analyze your data.
  • Documentation and Guidance: For detailed instructions on how to export your data, please refer to our dedicated documentation page: Exporting Data Documentation. This page provides step-by-step guidance to ensure a smooth export process.
  • Availability: The ability to export data is contingent upon your subscription plan and the role assigned to your account. Please check your plan details or contact support to verify if this feature is available to you.
  • Data Inclusivity: The export includes all account data, ensuring you have access to comprehensive information for analysis. See our Exported Data Schema Reference for more information.
  • Export Process: Data export is facilitated through the manual Account Backup tool available within GageList. This tool guides you through the process of exporting your data securely and efficiently.

Steps to Export Data:

  1. Verify Plan and Role: Ensure your account plan and role support data export functionality.
  2. Access the Account Backup Tool: Navigate to the Account Backup section within your GageList account settings.
  3. Initiate Export: Follow the instructions provided in the Account Backup tool to select the data you wish to export and initiate the process.
  4. Download .csv Files: Once the export is complete, download the .csv files to your local machine.
  5. Import to Analytics Tool: Import the downloaded .csv files into your preferred third-party analytics tool, such as PowerBI, to begin your data analysis.

For any assistance during the export process or questions regarding the use of exported data with third-party tools, please do not hesitate to contact our support team.