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(Administrators Only)

Enabling Digital Signatures will provide administrators with options to manage user signatures and the authorization required for users to securely sign (and/or unsign) calibration records and certificates.

To learn about using this feature after setup, please refer to our knowledgebase article on using digital signatures.


Enabling Digital Signatures

    1. Go to General Settings (found under Settings on the left sidebar).
    2. Scroll down to the checkbox options.
    3. Click the Enable Digital Signatures checkbox.
    4. Click Save.

Note: If the Digital Signatures checkbox is not available on your account, please contact support and request to have it enabled.


Configuring Signature Settings for the Account

  1. Go to Digital Signatures (found under Settings on the left sidebar).
  2. Select whether users will have the ability to unsign records. The ability to unsign records must also be enabled for the individual user (see next section).
  3. Select whether administrators will have the ability to unsign records. The ability to unsign records must also be enabled for the individual user (see next section).
  4. Select whether a user-specific pin is required for all users before signing/unsigning records.
  5. Select whether to show a banner at the top of signed/unsigned records.
  6. Enter your preferred banner text for signed and unsigned records.
  7. Specify the format for the signature statement that appears on signed calibration records. Short codes are available to autofill the signatory’s signature name and the date/time it was signed.
  8. Click Save.


Configuring Signature Settings for a User

  1. Click the user icon at the top left of the page.
  2. Click User Management.
  3. Select the user you would like to manage.
  4. Under the Digital Signatures section, specify the user’s signature name as it would appear on signed records. This defaults to the user’s first and last name.
  5. Select whether the user will have the ability to sign records. This also requires the account-wide option to be enabled as well (see previous section).
  6. Select whether the user will have the ability to unsign records. This can be any record or only records the user has signed. This also requires the account-wide option to be enabled as well (see previous section).
  7. Generate or import the user’s signature (PKCS#12 or PFX formats supported in either base64 or binary).
  8. Ensure the signature that will be used is set as the primary.
  9. Click Save.